Blood in Stool

Blood in Stool

Blood in the stool suggests that there is bleeding in the digestive tract somewhere. The cause of bleeding can be determined by looking at the color of the blood. Bright red blood may indicate that the colon or rectum is where the bleeding is located, while dark red blood may indicate that the bleeding is at the colon or small bowel.

The only way to detect blood in some cases is through a faecal occult test because the amount is so small it cannot be seen with the naked eye. A faecal occult test is a type of lab test using stool sample. In such circumstances, patients might not be aware of the bleeding, or they might not have any other symptoms. However, some patients may experience other symptoms like diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, along with bleeding.

Rectal bleeding could be a sign of a wide range of conditions, from minor to those that require urgent medical attention.


Haemorrhoids, often known as piles, are abnormally big, protruding blood vessels in and near around the anus and lower rectum. Internal hemorrhoids is usually painless and can grow within the anus and occasionally bleed during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids develop near the anus and they don’t bleed unless they rupture. Haemorrhoids typically cause fresh, bright red bleeding.

Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a tear or cut that extends to the anus’s edge. It occurs in the tissue lining of the anus. It can be very uncomfortable and is frequently brought on by passing large, hard stools. As a person passes motion, bleeding occurs because the stools would stretch the fissure.

Anal Tumours

Anal tumours can cause bleeding during bowel movements and are frequently accompanied by intense pain in the anus. Symptoms of an anal tumour include changes in bowel movements. Eventually, the tumor may even grow large enough to protrude through the anus or invade the skin surrounding the anus.

Diverticular Disease

Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. It could impact the colon in full or in part. Diverticular rarely causes issues, however they may bleed and swell up. Diverticular disease is a common condition that affects people over the age of 40. Few patients really experience symptoms, and even fewer will need surgery.

Peptic Ulcers

Stomach pain is the most typical sign of peptic ulcers, but some people experience more severe symptoms, like blood in the stools. The blood is typically dark red and/or the stools are tarry.


Polyps are small tissue growths that are typically less than 0.5 inches in size and are usually not cancerous. These growths can develop in areas like the uterus or colon, and if left unchecked, they may turn into cancer. To prevent this, it’s important to undergo regular screenings. In cases where polyps are present in the colon, rectal bleeding may occur.

If blood is noticed in your stool, consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor may order a set of tests such as the rectal examination, to determine the exact cause.

Depending on your medical history and symptoms, the doctor will request a series of tests that could include a combination of a rectal exam, a fecal occult blood test, blood tests, imaging scans, endoscopy, or a combination of these. A rectal exam or fecal occult blood test can detect abnormalities or blood in the colon. The former is a physical exam, while the latter is a laboratory test of a stool sample used to check for infections and assess their severity.

Blood work can be used to identify signs of anemia, inflammation, or infection. Anemia can cause low levels of hemoglobin, while inflammation and infection can cause an increase in white blood cell count. Imaging scans, such as an abdominal CT scan, may help to locate the source of the bleeding.

Different types of endoscopies, such as colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or enteroscopy, are performed to identify obstructions or abnormal growths in the digestive tract. The procedure generally involves inserting a long tube with a camera into the anus or mouth and is often conducted as an outpatient procedure.