Gastroscopy (OGD)

Gastroscopy is an endoscopic examination that uses a flexible camera to visually examine the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum. It allows for biopsies and polyp removal using a small forceps or snare inserted through the scope.

If you are facing symptoms such as persistent feelings of nausea, recurrent vomiting, or a combination of both, a gastroscopy might help to find out the cause.
A gastroscopy involves the insertion of a gastroscope through the mouth into the throat and down to the stomach. The patient is given sedation to keep them asleep and unaware of the procedure. During the examination, the stomach is carefully examined for any abnormalities using advanced imaging techniques. This is particularly important for screening for early gastric cancer, which may only show subtle changes in the gastric lining. Biopsies may be taken during the procedure to investigate any suspicious features, and a rapid test for H. pylori is also conducted. The biopsy procedure is painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient. The patient will be sedated for the procedure. Additionally, a local anaesthetic spray is applied to the back of the throat to numb the area and further alleviate any discomfort.

Gastroscopy is a generally safe procedure with rare occurrences of severe complications such as perforation in the stomach or bowel. The likelihood of perforation during a gastroscopy is 0.005% (five cases per 100,000 procedures). The range of bleeding incidents is estimated between 0.25-1.0%. The probability of excessive sedation is also very low and can be treated with medications to reverse its effects.